Sunday, 17 June 2012

Thursday 7th June 2012 - Digging, digging... TOPSOIL!

Well, like the title say's, today involved a lot of digging... loads actually, but in good humour and with a smile...
We are getting there...
We also had a help from a couple of friends who helped us to shift almost 70 bags of topsoil from the gate to our plot in preparation for the raised beds: thanks Gemma! - and also Ed who helped me with bags from the van.

We are marking our boundaries and tidying up the edges of the site to make it more of a defined area, so we know where the paths are, and where other peoples allotments start and end also.

May put other people off their lunches but not us! This find under a bag of topsoil was made by one of the guys on the project;
Visiting slug...

Our efforts were beaten back by the rain, but a quick picture before we left the site;

It's taken a long time to get to this point, with a lot of effort from everyone involved but the site is ready for a good sowing and planting in a couple of weeks, and will benefit from the rain that chased us from the allotment early and into Steves Cafe...

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