Again, late update, but here it is!
The morning was spent checking out our lovely new trays of... seedlings! The seeds took their time but are now growing up to become seedlings, the heat of the sun and the glass roof on the shed have helped their progress...
Some seedlings... |
...some more... |
and some more! | | | |
Then, onto work! Some cleared the inside of the raised beds...
Raised beds getting in place... |
Others turned the grass in chunks, on top of itself as to stop the green top part getting to the sun, and exposing the roots to dry in the sun, killing the plant and turning it to good compost!
Digging under the roots... |
...and turned upside down into the hole. |
We then had turns knocking nails into the raised beds to make them solid...
Oh! and a couple of us (including a very helpful visiting member of Rathbone) fixed the felt to the second half of the shed roof...
Measuring the length of felt to be cut... |
...fixing it up with roofing nails. | |
And finally, in other happenings, we had a visit from a frog - as seen here;
Lost frog |
We returned him onto a plot with a pond where hopefully he'll be happier than out in the sun on our plot...
And then time for home. Lots to do next week...
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