We started the day at the cafe for a cup of tea before heading to the allotment and facing the colder weather...
Our first job was to clear the old brassica bed of weeds, as you can see from these photo's below;

We found this huge long happy worm too....
We turned the grass onto itself to expose the roots and allow the green tops to compost below the soil
And we cut the paths straight too...
Finally we used a dibber to make holes in which we planted the beans we brought from the garden centre

Below: we are pinning the strawberry runners to the soil to allow them to root in...
We then took a break to get warm in the community building... one of the team took the time to draw this Magpie Moth from a book from the community library...
And lastly we chose some seeds from the catalogue using the money we won from the competitions in the summer at the Rosendale Allotment...