Monday, 21 January 2013

December 2012 - Visit to the plot, the Garden Museum, and the National History Museum trip

Site Visit:

Some Photo's of the frost at the allotment in December first;

The old committee hut at the allotment 

Frost on a strawberry plant at the plot

A young garlic plant in the frosty soil

Visit to the Garden Museum, 6 December 2012

We headed up to the Garden Museum which is at Lambeth Palace, to take a look around the museum and the gardens, which were being sorted out ready for spring.
We found that there was an excellent exhibition on about the history of gardens and allotments in England, and we chose our favourite paintings, as you will see below.

Inside the Garden Museum

'A garden in Lambeth' 1942, George Fisher Gilmour

'Mr Sabatino' 1999, Jason Orton

'Allotments' 1990, Richard Thorn

In the gardens...

Some tools on show in the museum...

Visit to the Natural History Museum, 20 December 2012

We decided to stay in the warm and venture to South Kensington for a visit to the Natural History Museum. Not all of the members had visited before, and even for the people who had, it was a chance to explore some more...

At the top floor with the section of Sequoia tree

Some of the rocks the group liked...

The group before leaving the museum